Sunday, January 31, 2010

Can They Ever Make a Hulk Toy that Doesn't look Like Crap?

Click on The Hideous Hulk "Walking" Blow Up Doll for a Larger Image.

Why Did EVER old Hulk Toy ( and LOTS of Recent Ones!) look Like a Big, Green Stinking Pile of Nasty Festering Moldy Crap? Well, This one was Plunged from Lucifer's Backed up Toilet.

Bruce Banner's Alter Ego with Anger Management Control Issues looks like the Ugliest Inflatable Blow Up doll Ever.

Notice "Walking" is in "Quotations" on the Toy description. Freshly Raised Zombies with Fully Rotted Bodies would have shuffled around like Gracefully Striding Ballroom Dancers compared to this Shockingly BAD, Abortive Excuse for "Walking Hulk Toy"!

The Hulk Artwork on the Toy Itself looks like it was Drawn, (Executed ), by Ritalin Sucking Piglets, rolling around on a canvas, in a Mud Encrusted Pig Pen.

The $4.99 Retail Price from 1981 of this Hulk Travesty, is comparable to a $39.99 toy in Today's Money 30 years later. A Vintage Worst Toy Rip-Off!

This Evil Toy will Follow you until the End of Your Days unless you Link to this Image from your Crappy Web Page, Mommy Blog or Ebay Incredible Hulk Toy Auction!

This Image Pulled out from the Sticky Recesses of the Toy and Catalog Collection of Mike Mozart of Jeepersmedia. Worshipped as a Deity on 
YouTube, Mike Mozart is the YouTube Celebrity Worst Toy Reviewer!

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