Sunday, January 31, 2010

Doesn't Hulk Look Like Rosie O'Donnell it this Nasty Bop Bag?

Click On the Worst Hulk Toy Image to Enlarge!

Doesn't the Incredible Hulk Look Like Rosie O'Donnell as Drawn this Nasty Bop Bag? ( And that Kid Looks Like Baby Donald Trump). Did they Hire a Blind Monkey with Palsy to Create this Blight on Marvel Toy History?

Please Link to this Seed of Satan Worst Toy Image from your Bizarre Web Site, Irreverent blog or Ebay Hulk Toy Auction . . C'mon, Do it for teh lulz :P!

Picture from the Ho Hum Toy Catalog Trash Heap Piled up by Mike Mozart. Incredibly Handsome and Debonair Internet Celebrity... more lulz ... from Jeepersmedia on 
YouTube the Famous Funny You Tube Worst Toy Reviewer!

Funny You Tube

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