Sunday, January 31, 2010

This Plush Toy is Supposed to be Bugs Bunny, not Satan.

Click the Fugly Bugs Bunny doll Above for a Larger View of this Worst Toy Ever Contender!

WOW! By the time the 1980's Rolled Around, Bugs Bunny REALLY let himself go . . . or he is in his Third Trimester. And "What's Up Doc" with those Ridiculous Red Satan Horn Ears from the Pit. Does this mean that Bugs Bunny is actually a Changeling? A Spawn of Satan's Seed, switched at birth with a normal baby to be raised by the unsuspecting parents?

Well, to be fair, they could be Donkey, Jackass Ears. Do his Yellow Gloves lead up to believe that hid "Misses" a lot? Molded Plastic Head twice as Large as the Actual Character, unless this is Hydrocephalic Bugs?

It says "You'll Be Surpised at what Bugs says when "You Pull His String". Be Surprised? I would Expect "What's Up Doc". I guess a "Phrase" that would "Surprise Me" might be something to the effect of "I'll Pop a Cap, (Carrot?) in Your Ass".

Show Your Lack of Taste and Judgement and Link to this Image from your less than Virile Web Page, Really Pathetic Blog or your Bugs Bunny Toy Ebay ill-advised auction Listing!

Check out this Playlist of very funny videos on YouTube

This Bugs Plush Toy Popped out of the Looney Tooney Hole of a Catalog Collection that Mike Mozart is Composting at JeepersMedia. The Less Than Classy, Funny 
YouTube Channel Clogged up with Famous WORST Toy Reviews!

Funny You Tube

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