Sunday, January 31, 2010

Worst Toy Incredible Hulk Plush Atrocity from 1983 Toy Catalog

Click On the " Lobster Claw" Aborted Fetus Hulk Plushie to Enlarge!

The Incredible Hulk as Mini Me Hulk! This Soft SuperHero Snuggler looks absolutely Ridiculous next to the still terrible SpiderMan and SuperMan Soft Superheros.

I think these Crap-Tastic Hulk toys are the Work of Dr. Evil in His Quest to take over the Earth. I wish I could use Dr. Evil's Time Machine and go back to 1983 and Bitch Slap the Designer of this " Joe Dirt" mullet Packing Excuse for a Plush Toy! And Look at those truly FU'ed Arms and Hands. I Mean Really! What Were Thinking to approve this Cancerous Blight on Toy History.

Oh, the Spidey and Superman Plushies Suck Ass too, but No Where NEAR as Bad!

Clever and Funny YouTube Video.

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